Bolivia Baptist Church is a group of Christian believers who strive to be connected to God, connected to one another as believers, and connected to our community. We seek to love God and share God’s love by our commitment to Him and His Word, the Holy Bible.
We believe in the inerrant, infallible Word of God given to us to reveal our need for salvation through our Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe all people are made in the image of God but are separated from God by sin. Only the death of Jesus on the cross can bring us forgiveness and His resurrection from the dead makes a way for us to have eternal life.
We are committed to sharing the good news that Jesus saves us from our sin.
Our pastor, Chris Driggs, is s a graduate of Southeastern Seminary with a Master of Divinity with Languages. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts from James Madison University. Chris has been the Senior Pastor at Bolivia Baptist for over 20 years.